Enter ANOTHER WORLD at Sotheby's Maison
Various Artists
2024-09-12 ~ 2024-09-25
갤러리LVS에서 한국 작가 18명의 작품을 『Enter ANOTHER WORLD at Sotheby's Maison』에서 선보입니다.
소더비에서 기획한 『Enter ANOTHER WORLD』는 선사시대부터 현대미술까지 이르는 광범위의 예술 작품들을 보여주고 있습니다.
이번 전시는 퍼시픽 플레이스에 있는 홍콩 소더비 본사를 확장하여 Chater House 의 소더비 salon 이라는 새 전시 공간 오픈기념 첫 전시입니다.
Gallery LVS presents works by 18 Korean artists in Sotheby's exhibition 『Enter ANOTHER WORLD at Sotheby's Maison』. 『Enter ANOTHER WORLD』, planned by Sotheby's, shows a wide range of works of art ranging from prehistoric times to modern art. This exhibition is the first exhibition to celebrate the opening of a new exhibition space called Sotheby's salon at Chater House, an expansion of Sotheby's headquarters in Hong Kong at Pacific Place.
Enter ANOTHER WORLD at Sotheby's Maison
Landmark Chater
8 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong
Participating Artists
Chang Yeon soon
Chun Kwang Young
Chung Hae Cho
Han Jeong Yong
Jun Won Kun
Kim Deok Ho
Kim Dong Jun
Kim Kang Yong
Kim Kyeok
Kim Sun Gab
Kim Sy Young
Lee In Hwa
Lee Kang Hyo
Lee Ufan
Lee Yong Soon
Mun Pyung
Park Seo Bo
Yun Hyong Keun